Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Pics of the garden

Lamb's ears, taken 03-27-08. They are so happy here! They are even larger now. I'll have to remember to take a pic of them when I get home.

04-10-08 Creeping Jenny. Jean gave this to me and I love it! It is very prolific, though, so be sure you love it when you plant it. I even have some going out in the grass, that I have to pull every now and again. It is such a beautiful bright green. I was going to try to pick the clover out of it, but the bees love the clover and I couldn't bring myself to upset them.

Another pic from 04-10-08. I took this one of my Hens and Chicks so you could see the crazy pollen on them! If it's not clear from this pic, click on it and it will enlarge for you. It just a solid dusting of yellow.

This is evidence that I can grow weeds, too! haha I let this one get away from me and just had to take a picture of it before I pulled it up. Looked like something you should boil and eat with pepper sauce, huh?

Carolina Jessamine in the back yard. I planted this around the butterfly-attracting plants, and it seems to love it. Jim will have to build something for it, though. It's getting long and it is starting to climb the butterfly bush. This plant is also very toxic, which is particularly dangerous if there are small children around. They frequently mistake it for honeysuckle and suck on it to get the sweet juice. NOT a good idea. I am going to write a warning on a rock that I plant at the base of the plant.

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