Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Bottle tree instructions

Found these instructions on the internet (http://usadeepsouth.ms11.net/bottletree.html):

The pegs I used on both bottle trees are 3/8 inch pvc pipe. These will fit the necks of any wine bottle or decanter, whereas the larger pipe will not work. I suspend a 10-15 foot pipe section by running a ski rope through it and hanging either end to a pine tree. Then I simply spray paint the entire length the color of my choice. In this case, I painted one black and the other sandlewood. After a couple of hours drying time, I hacksawed the pipe into 15 inch sections. Each hole is drilled at precisely a 45 degree angle (downward, of course). The dead tree was an easy drill, whereas the 2-inch square steel post was quite a challenge without an industrial drill. Tamp each section into a 5 inch drilled hole and this will support the heaviest of bottles. The metal-trunk tree, assembled, is black with 20 one-quart, antique, cobalt blue milk of magnesia bottles found way out in an abandoned woods. The cypress tree is the exact sandalwood color of the pegs and has at least 12 colors represented in 25 or so bottles at this writing. Incidentally, for Christmas my wife gave me a really old weathervane with a black rooster on top. She found it 'junking'. It's 3 feet high and makes the perfect 'top-off' for the cobalt and black bottle tree. I glued cubic zirconia eyes on the rooster.

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